
I am generally interested in speech perception and language processing under acoustically adverse conditions. Such conditions include speech in noise, hearing impairment, fast conversational speech, or an insufficient language model, as is the case in L2 listeners.  My work is highly interdisciplinary, ranging from grammatical aspects of language comprehension to speech perception diagnostics.

I currently teach English (psycho-)Linguistics at the University of Brunswick (Braunschweig, Germany). My first post-doc was as a psycholinguist in the Cluster of Excellence Hearing4all, a collaboration between the universities of Oldenburg, Leibnitz University Hannover and Hannover Medical School. At the University of Oldenburg, I was in the lucky position to collaborate with researchers from a wide range of disciplines, including Medical Physics, Hearing Research and Audiology, Psychology. I mainly contributed to task group 3, ‘Functional Characterization of the Individual’. My second post-doc was in the Collaborative Research Council (SFB) 732 Incremental Specification in Context at the University of Stuttgart, where I contributed to project A7 (Cross-linguistic interactions in second language prosody).